About WIN

Women have plenty to stress about.  Women not only have great responsibilities in the home, but they have taken on more responsibilities in the workplace.  They are working, caring for children, husbands, family and friends and balancing their budgets while maintaining their own health and well-being.  These facts do not mean they have to accept stress in their daily lives. Here is where Women Impact Now (WIN), Inc. steps in. 

Women Impact Now (WIN), Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization designed to empower women who are economically and financially challenged with the ability to create dynamic change in their communities. WIN ...

If you are woman in need of assistance completing a degree, acquiring a job, financial management, finding a mentor, or building a network of resources, contact us.  If you are an entrepreneur or skilled professional, we need your help. Sign up today for our mentoring program. 


Board of Directors

Leah Baker


Shana Dozier

Vice President

Sherae Bell

Board Member

Dorion Baker, Sr.
